My Disclaimer contains important information I need to share with you and for you to understand.
The information on Sacred Fusion Energy contained on this website, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, methods, resources and other materials is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice. Transmission of the information presented on this website is not intended to create and receipt does not constitute any professional relationship between Felice DiAnna and the visitor and should not be relied upon as medical, psychological or other professional advice of any kind or nature.
You understand by viewing this website you will be introduced to information about Sacred Fusion Energy, energy medicine generally, spiritual wellness, Energetic Lymphatic Drainage, Energetic Chakra Balancing and Sacred Fusion Energy Healing for Animals ("Energy Medicine"). Energy Medicine is a collective term used to refer to a variety of techniques used to deliver Sacred Fusion Energy for the purpose of energetic healing to the physical, emotional and spiritual health and for fostering balance and well-being.
Energy Medicine has not yet been fully researched by Western academic, medical and psychological communities and is considered to be alternative or complementary and is not a substitute for traditional medicine or psychological counselling. Any information, stories, examples or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty,guarantee or prediction regarding the outcome of a healing session with me. I am not a medical or psychological doctor and cannot and will not provide you with any kind of medical care, treatment or diagnosis. You understand that there is a distinction between "healing" using Energy Medicine and the practice of medicine or any other licensed health care practice.
Please understand that Sacred Fusion Healing for Animals is a spiritual energy healing that is complementary but not a substitute for conventional veterinary medicine. I cannot diagnose, prescribe or promise guaranteed results. Please continue to provide traditional veterinary care for your beloved pet and always consult with your vet before making the decision to use Sacred Fusion Energy Healing for Animals.
All Sacred Fusion Coaching services and communication, emails or otherwise, delivered by Felice DiAnna (your "Coach") as well as information set forth on this website, A Time of Healing, are meant to help you identify the areas in your life that may be blocking you from moving forwards.
However, Sacred Fusion Coaching is not professional mental health or medical care. The work of coaching is not therapy and does not replace any form of professional counselling. The intention of Sacred Fusion Coaching is to enable you, the client, to access the answers you need to move forward in your life in an empowered, rewarding and authentic manner.
The information contained within this website is not a substitute for professional advice, such as a medical doctor, psychiatrist or counselor. The information provided in this website does not constitute legal or professional advice nor is it intended to be.
Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals not for a coach.
Any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof are your own and, therefore, you cannot, under any circumstance, hold Felice DiAnna or A Time of Healing liable for any actions that you take.