Thank you so much!
Felice thank you so much! I don’t know when the last time my back has been pain free! I slept
so good last night and am able to walk well today.
Thank you for your soothing hands!
Wanted you to know I have gone two days without pain to my lower back. No pain at all. My legs are much improved. Thank you for your soothing hands and words of wisdom. Will call you.
I thank God first!!
I wanted to let you know that I can feel the difference how my leg muscles feel when I walk and when I stoop or squat. Also while standing and holding onto a wall I can lift one leg at a time with the knee bent and lift the leg up so my knee comes up level with my hips. I feel the healing. I thank God first and you for answering his calling which takes Love and Sacrifice. Thank you from all who seek God’s healing.
Feeling Transformed
Hitting the mid-point in my life I have had the sensation of “being stuck.” I decided to try energy healing with Felice. During the session I had the sensation of floating and afterwards I felt renewed and cleansed. 2 weeks later, I still feel transformed to a “lighter, positive and more joyful expression of myself. This experience has cleared out “old” energy getting me ready for the next phase of my journey in this human form.
Felice is truly gifted from God to heal.
My experience during my sessions with her helped to remove mental and emotional blacks to let Divine Love come through for transformation of my soul. The presence of the Holy Spirit is strong when on her table and invites you to fully trust and surrender to let God work through her. Highly recommend her if you want to reconnect with who you were created to be.
The most peaceful loving feeling
I received a Sacred Fusion Energy session with her prior to this I had severe anxiety and abandonment from my divorce. I felt the most peaceful loving feeling I have ever felt and I remember that feeling to meditate. It created a new place in me where I feel centered calm and peaceful to go to. Highly Recommend
Thank God for working through Felice
I saw Felice after having sprained my finger. At the time, my pointer finger was swollen, tender, and hardly able to move. She kindly insisted to “Reiki my hand.” It sounded a little funny at first, but after she explained the process I felt very comfortable. In my limited understanding, I know and have seen the benefits of energy healing. We all have energy running through our bodies. It’s a beautiful God-given force all living things have in common. Physical, psychological, and spiritual circumstances though, can affect our body’s natural energy flow. So when Felice laid her hands on me and did what I understood as bringing energy to my injury, I quickly felt the benefit. There are many things we will never fully understand, but that’s where faith comes in I suppose. All I know is that my finger felt 100% better the next day, the swelling was gone, and I had full mobility. I prayed before and after my session that Jesus would heal me and work through Felice, and I believe He did. So for that I thank Felice and give all the glory to the One who made this possible.
I felt calm, connected energized and more hopeful…
Felice is a wonderful, kind and empathetic practitioner. After my session, I felt calm, connected, energized and more hopeful than I have in a long tome. I would recommend her to anyone.
Great practitioner!!
Wonderful Experience!!
She is truly gifted!
Thank you so much Felice
I was having so much pain in my shoulder and arm due to my osteoarthritis and could not even shift the gears on my car to drive. Felice did her Sacred Fusion healing on me and by the next day I could lift my arm above my head. Thank you so much Felice for helping me feel so much better. You are such a special gifted person that is able to do this healing through the Lord. I thank the Lord for the spiritual healing that you do and will keep you in my prayers.
I was amazed!
I spoke to Felice in July as I had deep pain in my lower back and right hip. This kind of work was very unfamiliar to me and together with the fact that I was in California, I was very skeptical. After Felice explained how Reiki works, I decided to go ahead and try it. We arranged the time when Felice would work on me. After the session she called me to see how I felt. I told her to hang on because I wanted to see how I felt. What I hadn’t told her was that after sitting or lying down for a short period of time I was stiff and in pain for usually 20 minutes until everything loosened up. Well I couldn’t believe it, I got up totally pain free and without any stiffness. I told her I would call her the following morning as the test would be how it was after lying in bed all night. I woke up got out of bed without a twinge. I was amazed. I have had two top-ups since then and I am happy to say I am pain free.
What a Wonderful experience!
What a Wonderful Woman! One of the most beautiful, calm, soulful people I know. Very cleansing experience, the touch of an angel, you must give Felice a try, she will take you through an experience you will benefit from whether your issues are mental or physical. Thank you Felice!!
Felice is gentle, kind and compassionate!
I believe Reiki is a very personal form of bodywork. It can lead to whatever stress or emotions or psychical pain an individual is experiencing at the moment. I have learned that Felice is a very powerful guide throughout this process. She also has the ability to do “distant” work, which I have personally experienced just recently.
After my first session with Felice, I signed up for weekly sessions. I have asked her how long each session lasts – sometimes we go for well over an hour, then the next meeting lasts for 45 minutes. She told me the length depends on what each person needs at that time.
I can honestly say Felice is one of the most “special” people who have entered my life. She is gentle, kind and compassionate in all she endeavors. She is indeed a Reiki Master.
You will not be disappointed!
It is my honor to have the pleasure and healing energies through this very gifted woman. In over 40 years of being a spiritual teacher, I have never encountered anyone with the natural ability that Felice has. I have not allowed healers to work on me as their energies were not on a higher vibratory level. Felice’s definitely are. The minute she begins her session you feel the energies given and the relief is quickly felt. You will not be disappointed in your sessions with Felice and you will seek her when a natural healer is your choice.
I am so grateful to Felice and her gift!
At 40 years old, I have had shoulder, back and neck pain for the past 20 years. I have gone to numerous chiropractors, medical doctors, practiced yoga, gotten massages, gone to physical therapy and prayed. Unfortunately, these things helped momentarily, didn’t help at all or caused physical pain in order to have a little relief from the original pain. I had basically resigned to the fact that this pain would be a significant part of my life for the rest of my life.
The past few years have been the toughest years of my life, emotionally and physically. I have had some huge life altering changes and they rocked me to my very core. I was at the end of my rope and didn’t know how to come to terms with what was happening. I felt like I had lost myself and desperately needed to find a way to calm my mind and find peace again.
I received an e-mail from Amazonlocal.com and saw a deal from A Time for Healing. The first time I saw it, I wondered what Reiki was, but did not even open the deal to see any additional information. The next time I saw it; I looked at the price quickly and went about my day. Finally, after seeing the e-mail again and again, I looked at the website and Googled Reiki. I was curious, but it all sounded a little too ‘out there’ for me. The next day, there was the deal again. At that point, I decided that something bigger than me was pushing me to ‘see’ this. I called Felice to get additional information. In the back of my mind, I was thinking that some wacky lady with wacky ideas would answer the phone and I would simply hang up and move on realizing that this was indeed as ‘out there’ as I had first suspected. However, when Felice answered the phone, calm washed over me. The longer we spoke, the more I knew this was something I had to try and made an appointment. I did not tell anyone where I was going or what the appointment was for. I didn’t want anyone to talk me out of it or make me feel like it was weird. When I got to Felice’s office, again calm came over me and I felt totally open to whatever this experience could bring me. The time that I spent that day with Felice gave me a sense of calm and relaxation that allowed me to see that there really was a light at the end of this dark tunnel for me. And for the first time in 20 years, I was absolutely pain free. The session caused me no pain and Felice made me feel so comfortable. I have been back several times and each time I leave completely relaxed and pain free. The pain that I have between sessions is considerably less than what I have dealt with previously and I can actually alleviate it a bit more by stretching which has never really worked before. Knowing that it is possible to feel calm and pain free at a time where my life felt so out of control and was causing my body to be in even more pain has been a spiritually healing process for me. I am so grateful to Felice and her gift.
Highly Recommend!
I am writing this to say thank you for my Reiki healing session. Felice you are a very gifted healer of divine light and love and im grateful to be feeling better. I would highly recommend Felice to bring healing to your life.
I felt much better!
I had a minor accident when a hand-truck hit my left hand on the small knuckle leaving it badly bruised, swollen and sore. Felice did Reiki for ten minutes and the swelling went down within fifteen minutes. The pain also significantly lessened and I felt much better.
Very positive results!
Barb and I have been using Felice for over two months now with very positive results. Barb is being treated with Reiki for muscle pain in her right shoulder and pain in both thumbs and I am being treated with both Reflexology and Reiki for neuropathy in both my hands and feet. Felice is very professional and we both highly recommend her for these therapies.
Dear Felice,
Awesome! The results of the Reiki session you gave me were amazing and awesome. I was so thoroughly enjoying how great I felt… As I pulled away in the car, and continued to feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for being pain free for the first time in years, I realized that I had forgotten to give you the Gratuity you sooooo richly deserved. As I returned to make restitution I became aware that there really is no amount of money, no number of Thank You’s, no hug big enough to express how grateful I am. You have an amazing skill for healing and your caring spirit is transporting. Thank you for making me feel like a flower in the sunshine…
P.S. I have a medical background and I have never experienced feeling this good from traditional medical services and certainly the peaceful environment where you provide your healing modalities affords a safe and comfortable energy.
Calming and Comfort
Our thirteen year old dog Bridget has some health and anxiety problems. Through healing touch, Felice has been able to calm and comfort our little girl. Bridget responds very well to Felice and Reiki and shows marked improvement after the attention. She knows she is being helped.
The intersection of emotional, spiritual and physical can get pretty muddy when all the horses are stuck in grooves and hauling piles of old, heavy luggage through the same ruts. Sometimes even my tried-and-true self-healing efforts can’t seem to clear the paths long enough for a lighter, more inspired way of traveling to take hold. So when my dear friend gave me a Reiki session as a gift, I thought I might ask Felice to help me reopen the way to being still and sensitive to the flow of gentle guidance from Creator that I’m so VERY good at drowning out with my excessive effort to get somewhere. When I entered the A Time of Healing space, I felt immediately at-ease and genuinely welcomed by an aura of kindness.
Exactly what happened is impossible to describe, but the session went like this: In an hour’s time, her fingers channeled wave upon wave of healing energy through every emotional, spiritual and physical thread, catapulting my awareness at one point into a visionary journey of profound meaning to me. I feel so blessed to have a healer of Felice’s loving and generous dimension in the town where I live. She is the real thing: a master in humble service. The energy she channels reweaves the worn, frayed cloth of inner understanding into new, colorful garments that carry many coins of wisdom hidden in their seams. There is no doubt that something divine does, indeed, pass through her hands and this energy knows exactly what to do to within. Amazing, the immediate difference an hour with her has made in my connectedness with the Greater Power (and the shoulder that I didn’t even mention, is now pain-free).
Thank you, Felice.
I am so blessed!
I have been blessed over the years to work in different modalities, as I journey on this path of life, trying to mesh the physical, the emotional , the spiritual, seeking to make sense and find myself, my soul, my divine essence. Seeking healing from the trauma’s that life has presented. Reiki in the hands of Felice provides an incredible opportunity to support this journey.
It is hard to describe the experience of Reiki. The energy that moves through the hands of such a gifted practitioner as Felice.. The sense of peace that comes and I feel as soon as I enter an office that is a warm and loving space. Time spent with a warm and loving, compassionate practitioner. An opportunity as energy moves to experience release and rest. To experience at times immediate relief of pain. I went after dental work with a very sore mouth and received immediate relief as life energy entered into that area.
To quote a few lines from a song by the Monks at the Weston priory in Vermont: “I want to say something to all of you who have become a part of the fabric of my life. The color and texture which you have brought into my being has become a song and I want to sing it forever. There is an energy in us which makes things happen when the paths of other persons touch ours and we have to be there and let it happen.”
I am so blessed that through Felice the color and texture of my life is becoming so much richer!
Thank you Felice.
It is truly a miracle!
I live in Oklahoma City and Felice was here and I knew she performed Reiki. My Aunt Twyla who is 82 years old had fallen and broken her pelvis and had just gotten out of rehab and was admitted to an assisted living center here. She had been very depressed and was in excruciating pain and was crying constantly and had stopped eating and had just about given up on life. We were so worried about her. Felice performed the Reike on her and such emotion and tears came from Felice while she was doing the Reiki on her. Felice said she felt the sadness in Twyla. It has now been 2 weeks since she had this done on her and this week her daughter and I went to eat dinner with her at the living center as it was family night, the difference which we noticed in her was like night and day. She was in no pain still, walking with her walker just fine. Ate all of her dinner and was very cheerful. This coming weekend her granddaughter is getting married and her brother is coming in from out of town and she is excited and looking forward to going to the wedding and being with all of her family. Her brother will be so happy to see her now as he saw her just after she was admitted into the assisted living center and has been so worried about her. It is truly a miracle. Thank you so much Felice you are a miracle worker and have such a special gift.
I am still at a WOW from this Woman of God
I am still at a WOW from this Woman of God. I am an agent at Hilton, a customer by the name of Felice came over the line very calm. I told her that I was suffering from a headache and she asked did I mind if she could heal me through the power of God? I said “SURE”. I felt a pair of hands cover both sides of my head. I told her what I was feeling and she was at a WOW to what God was doing through her. My headache is gone. God came into my life at work.”
Thank you ‘Mama Healer
Dear Felice,
I write this note to say thank you for the amazing healing session you did for Brian. On that day we had high concerns that an urgent care visit was soon in his future. After spending time with you, our bleak day turned positive! The relief of pressure in his wrist and fingers was amazing. Thank you ‘Mama Healer’, you are so precious to us!